How To Set and Choose Your Football Goal?
If you plan to make football field, one of the most important thing that should you concern is about goal football.
The goal should be placed in the center of each goal line. Wide goal is 3 m measured from the inside pole. High while the goal is 2 m measured from the inside of the goal post crossbar to the ground.
Pole-sectional shape that allowed the boxes and circles, but circle-sectional shape is preferred, because it is relatively more secure than if the crash was also the reflection of the ball with more circular cross-section pole directions accurately produce.
Nylon nets goal, which tied into the goal post and crossbar. Goal depth is 80 cm to the top of the goal, and 100 cm for the bottom.
So, where I can get good material for my goal football? I suggest you watch two following videos to get good football goal:
1. Portable Football Goals
By using portable football goal, it will be easy to move the goal to the place as you want. See the video here :portable football goals
2. Inflatable Football Goals
By using inflatable football goals, it will prevent the goal from broken because of big hit from the ball. See the video here:inflatable football goals
Bagaimanakah Caranya Login Otomatis Di Putty SSH?
1. Download aplikasi Autohotkey di sini
2. Install Autohotkey di komputer anda
3. Buat file dengan notepad, simpan file tersebut dengan extensi .ahk. Seperti berikut:
;==============Mulai Code====================
; Pastikan file Putty.exe telah berada di drive C:\
; waktu tunggu sebelum send userid (milisecond)
; waktu tunggu sebelum send password (milisecond)
; To make modifier keys to work properly (such as Shift)
SetKeyDelay, 0, 10
run, %v_program% , , , newpid
;you need to wait a little for the window to initialize
;sleep, 100
winwait, ahk_pid %newpid%
;wait for the login prompt to appear
sleep, %v_wait_userid%
ControlSend, , %v_userid%{enter}, ahk_pid %newpid%
sleep, %v_wait_passwd%
ControlSend, , %v_passwd%{enter}, ahk_pid %newpid%
;create unique title so you won't be lost
WinGetTitle, v_title, ahk_pid %newpid%
v_newtitle=%v_title% - %newpid%
;setting judul window
WinSetTitle, PUTIKU
;kirim key Alt+Enter, sehingga putty lsg full screen.Pastikan pilihan Full Screen on Alt+Enter pd Putty enable
Send !{ENTER}
;==============Akhir Code====================
4. Buka feature Convert .ahk to .exe
5. Browse file .ahk yang tadi anda buat, dan lokasi file hasil (.exe)
6. Klik Convert
7. Selesai
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Axacore, The Best Faxing And Document Imaging Solution.
Posted by Bagaimana Cara in blogsvertise, bussines
Are you a person that have difficulty in managing the documentation process (fax, letters, scan
document, etc) in your office? Are you a person who wants to speed up the process and practicality in managing documentation process of your office? If yes, then the solution that you can take is Axacore ( What is Axacore? Axacore provide a service is for fax and documentation management that already use high technology that can make the process fast and easy to use.
Axacore is in San Diego, California, USA. Visit the website at On this website ( you can find out more complete about the products that Axacore offered. Visit Axacore ( soon to solve your office documentation problem.
Here I will explain about two main products of Axacore. If you have visited website (, then you will find that Axacore has two excellent products, those are FaxAgent and Xdoc.
First product is FaxAgent (, these tools work for managing your fax documentation at your office
. By using this tool will help you to get faster, secure, and easy in managing your fax process. For more information you can view them at In addition FaxAgent ( can be integrated with various applications in your office, so that it is very user friendly.
Second product is Xdoc (, this tool works for all kinds of office documentation, such as e-book, books, letters, etc. By using this tool, the documentation in your office will be more structured and practical. For more information about this tool, you can visit As like FaxAgent (, Xdoc ( jg can be integrated easily with existing applications in your office. Visit the website here to find out all specifications needed to install the Xdoc ( and its other benefits.
Bagaimanakah Caranya Mendapatkan License Avira Premium Security Suite/Avira Antivirus?
Posted by Bagaimana Cara
Bagaimanakah Caranya Mendapatkan License Avira Premium Security Suite/Avira Antivirus?
Itu mudah, kunjungi link ini:
Avira Premium Security Suite
Avira Antivirus
Bagaimana melakukannya? Ikuti langkah ini:
1. Klik link di sini: https: //
2. Mengisi formulir dengan informasi pribadi Anda
3. Klik tombol "Lisensi Overview"
4. Download Avira dan lisensi
Bagaimanakan Caranya Mengupdate Avira Anti Virus Secara Manual?
Langkah - langkah mengupdate Avira Anti Virus Secara Manual?
1.Download VDF (Virus Definition File) di (untuk Antivir 7 XP & 2000)
atau (untuk Antivir 7 98, 98 SE dan ME)
Keterangan lengkap baca di
Bagaimana Cata Membuat Alias Di Yahoo Messenger?
Klik link berikut--trus login-klik Tambah satu samaran
Bagaimanakah Caranya Mendapat Free Rapidshare Premium? (Sniffer)
Posted by Bagaimana Cara in hacking
Bagaimanakah Caranya Mendapat Free Rapidshare Premium? (Sniffer)
Untuk mendapatkan RapidShare account bisa pake Sniffer (listen trafic pada protocol atau port rapidshare)
1. Download dulu EModena runtime, trus install:
2. Setelah instal Emodena, download MalG :
3. Run MalG.exe, tunggu sampe process loading config selesai.
4. Setting region(USA),listen port(9100), protocol for sniffing(rapidshare) , email(email sendiri) Settingan lain pilih settingan Default saja, lalu klick START.
5. Jika berhasil, akan dapat infor msg box (1 free premium account has been sent to your email). Cek email, enjoy!!
Jika gagal coba trus aja.. :D
-Install Emodena dulu baru MalG
-Biar MalG berjalan cepat, tutup semua aplikasi lain yang berjalan
Bagaimanakah Caranya Mem-banned Blogger?
Jika menemukan blog (blogspot) yang tidak lo sukai, lo tinggal sebar aj link berikut ke temen2 lo di internet, trus suruh masukin alamat blog yang mo di band.
Tinggal nunggu approve dari admin
Jangan band blog ini ya :peace:
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- Jangan menggunakan IP VPN atau publik proxy
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Bagaimana cara disable DeepFreeze, tapi kita tidak tau passwordnya atau lupa passwordnya?
1. Download file DeepUnfreezer buat kill deepfreeze
2. Klik file DeepUnfreezer, pilih Boot Thawed.
3. Klik Save Status
4. Restart PC
Bagaimana Cara Dapat Internet Gratis XL, Pro XL, Teashark
Posted by Bagaimana Cara in internet gratis
Sebelum dapat internet gratis xl yang lebih maknyus, gw sempet pake xl + teashark. Lumayan juga klo buat download, tapi kalo buat browser tidak semua website bisa kebuka. Gw juga ga tau kenapa. Olraite, bagi yang belum tau trik ini download aja toolnya:
1. Proxomitron, download
2. Config file, download
Install proxomitron, setelah terinstall pilih File--Load Config File, browse file config yang barusan di download.
Setting proxy di Mozila atau Internet Explorer ke port 8080
1. Menurut pengalaman gw, beberapa website ga bisa terbuka, gw jg ga tau kenapa
2. Mau yang lebih maknyus triknya? Ada di sini
Bagaimana Cara Dapat Internet Gratis Idosat, Im3, Simpati
Posted by Bagaimana Cara in internet gratis
Clue :
User/password : indosat@durasi
SSDP, time service stopped!
Ini clue dari temen gw, gw sendiri lom ketemu ni trik. Udah coba stop SSDP di service, Window time jg, tapi masih tetep aja disconnect waktu login pake indosat@durasi
Ada yang bilang oprek di Security Option connection property.. gmna tuh ya..?
Yang tau share ya...
Modif dialup, modif service windows, proxo
Bagaimana Cara Dapat Internet Gratis XL, Pro XL, Port *1
Posted by Bagaimana Cara in internet gratis
Sebelumnya mo ngucapin selamat tinggal ma si merah . Hiks...hikss.. padahal di tempat gw makyus banget HSDPAnya
OK, setelah putus ma si merah, ubak-ubek sana ke sini, download bermacam2 tunnel, beli kartu perdana ampe beberapa opsel coba. Akhirnya ketemu trik teashark , trus berlanjut ke trik gretz ini.
Sebelum dibahas triknya, gw kasi cluenya dulu aja ya :-)
Cluenya : Port *1
Ada yang udah tau? Bahas disini yuk..Hee..
Bagaimana Caranya Mencairkan Komisi Kita Di Klikrupiah Ke Rekening Bank?
Posted by Bagaimana Cara in duit gratis
Syarat agar kita bisa mencairkan komisi kita di Klikrupiah adalah:
1. Jumlah klik lebih besar dari 150
2. Komisi kita lebih dari Rp 50.000
Untuk mengetahui jumlah klik dan besar komisi kita, bisa dilihat dengan langkah sbb:
1. Buka menu "Akun"
Maka akan muncul beberapa informasi ttg jumlah klik dan besar komisi/penghasilan:
NOTE: Pastikan No Rekening dan Nama Pemilik Bank di Menu "Profile" Anda Sudah Benar
Misal, jika sudah mencukupi 2 syarat tadi, klik menu Pembayaran
Lalu klik seperti gambar di bawah:
I read some articles said that hard disk with type AHCI is better than IDE based on performance point of view. This information encourage me to change the format of my notebook hard drive from IDE to AHCI
I used ACER 4530 and Windows XP Proffesional as Operating System
The steps:
1. Download driver AHCI/SATA for XP that support you notebook or PC
For you that use Acer 4530 can download the driver here
2. Extract file *.rar
3. Open Control Panel, click Add New Hardware
4. Yes, already connected, browse to the bottom, hit, "Add A New Device"
5. No, Have Disk, browse the directory where we extract the .rar file. Chose file nvgts.inf
6. Uninstall other Standard IDE controllers (NOT Primary nor Secondary)
7. Reboot and enter the BIOS
8. Change the hard disk type from IDE to AHCI mode
9. Enter the Windows… , if it is succesfull you will not find Blue Screen, but if you failed you will find Blue Screen
10. Windows will install the driver automatically and ask for restart
11. Restart your windows
12. Go to Device Manger by pressing shortcut Win+PauseBreak
13. You will see 2 AHCI Controller, hapus one of then that has exlamation mark
14. Done!
Do you want to get free domain and hosting in the internet?
Following these steps:
How To Get Free Domain
1. Click here or the image below
2. Determine the name of domain that you interest
3. If your domain is available as the following image, you can continue the registration by clicking "Continue to registration"
4. The next page is login page. If you already have account in, you can login directly. But if you has not registered, click link "Create an account now". The next step is filling the form such as name, address, email address, password, etc
5. After creating account, you will find the page that inform your domain already registered, you will be give 48 hours to setup your domain.
So you click the button "set up".
Then choose “Manage DNS” fill the form as follow
Name Server1 :
Name Server2 :
Then click "Setup", then apears “Your change has been submitted” you click “OK”.
How To Get Free Hosting
1. Register here or clicking the following image
2. After register at 000webhost, the you can start setup you hosting, by inputing the web address that you choose at
The Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) can be annoying, because it automatically restarting your computer when the System failure is occured. You can prevent Windows not to restart if Blue Screen happened by following the steps below:
Go to Start \ Run… (or press Windows key - Win+R) and type sysdm.cpl and click OK.
In System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab, then click on Settings button under Startup and Recovery.
Uncheck the Automatically restart at the System failure
This is one of small tips that can be used to speedup your windows vista.
Recently, I used Windows Vista Ultimate.
1. Speedup disk performance
- Go to DeviceManager by pressing Windows+Pause Break. You can also do by right click on My Computer that choose Properties
- Choose DeviceManager
- Go to DiskDrive
- Right click on harddisk appears that choose Properties
Go to Policies tab then check the option "Enable write caching on the disk" and "Enable advance performance"
- Go to Policies tab then check the option "Enable write caching on the disk" and "Enable advance performance"
Restart you PC
For Vista with SP1 Integrated, you can save your harddisk by installing the backup installation of SP1. Don't worry you still can upgrade your PC to SP2
How to do it? Follow the following steps:
Go to Start-Run. You can do by pressing Windows+R
Type "vsp1cln" , type Yes. Finaly, restart your PC
3. Disable Hibernate Function
System restore consume a lot of space. You can disable it and you save the space of your hard disk.
You can install Tune Up Utilities 2009,
After installing it, follow the images below:
Saya membaca beberapa article yang mengatakan bahwa hard disk dengan tipe/format AHCI lebih baik dari pada tipe IDE dari segi performance. Hal ini yang mendorong saya untuk merubah format hardisk di laptop saya dari IDE ke AHCI.
Saat ini saya menggunakan ACER 4530 dan OS Windows XP
1. Download driver AHCI/SATA untuk Windows XP yg support hardware notebook
Bagi yang pake Acer 4530 bisa download di sini
2. Extract file *.rar nya
3. Buka Control Panel, klik Add New Hardware
4. Yes, already connected, browse to the bottom, hit, "Add A New Device"
5. No, Have Disk, browse the directory dimana kita mengextract file .rar tadi. Klik file nvgts.inf
6. Uninstall other Standard IDE controllers (BUKAN Primary nor Secondary)
7. Reboot dan masuk ke BIOS
8. Rubah tipe hardisk dari IDE to AHCI mode
9. Masuk ke Windows… , jika berhasil anda tidak akan menemukan blue sceen, tapi jika gagal anda akan bertemu dengan blue scree
10. Jika berhasil masuk windows, Windows akan menginstall driver secara otomatis.
11. Windows akan meminta restart. Restart Windows
12. Masuk lagi ke Windows, buka Device Manager (shortcut tekan tombol Windows + Pause Break)
13. Akan terlihat 2 AHCI Controller, hapus salah satu yang mengadung tanda seru
14. Sukses!
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